Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gluten Free Bread...Attempt #1

We will see how this goes. My grandmother gave me her bread machine today, so I just jumped right on the idea of making bread tonight. I am pretty sure that I have already messed it up. The dough doesn't look smooth like I thought it would, it is a little lumpy. Maybe that is just gluten free bread for ya! The machine keeps making noises like it is trying to tell me that I messed up. I think my entire family was in the kitchen while I was trying to figure it all out. The TV was going, hubby was doing dishes (you read that correctly!) and my kids were in and out begging for dinner every 3 minutes and there I was, looking up directions for this machine (of course the book has been lost) and attempting to make tacos all at the same time. I only burned myself once tonight. That is an improvement from the other night, which will leave a scar!
So, now I sit in a quiet house, paint and posterboard slung all over the dining room from a school project that I just can't seem to get motivated to clean up yet, listening to Mr. Michael Buble...if only there were a giant bath tub right here where the couch is...Hmmmm. Singing about life. How fitting.
If I am brave enough, I will post pics of my first attempt at bread. I have never made any sort of bread, other than cake or muffins.(the just add water kind) Deep breath....good night all!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 2

We have made it 2 days living Gluten Free!!! My son, Adryn, is getting more and more excited as he learns about this new lifestyle. He has been on his computer (at the age of 8) looking up gluten free items, information about gluten allergies and other things related. He is making a game of finding things that do not contain gluten that he has already been eating and things that are new. Last night, we had mac-n-cheese made with rice pasta. Now understand that my youngest son (age 6) is now in charge of consumming all things that contain gluten, until they are gone from the house. So he had regular mac and cheese while the rest of us tried this new alternative. I have to say that I was quite impressed at how good it really was! Adryn isn't a big fan of rice, which is going to have to change. So I have taken a challenge to come up with new and exciting ways of making it so that he will eat it. Tonight, curry rice and chicken...verdict: He loved it! This could honestly be the first time that my entire family sat down and ate the same thing and wanted more. Usually someone doesn't like what I have made and opts out for a hotdog. We may live on this dish from now on! ha ha ha....

Tomorrow I will recieve a call telling us when Adryn will have his biopsy. I am just breathing deep and putting all faith in my Heavenly Father above. My faith has been stretched as of late. In the past 3 months 9 of my family members have been in the hospital for one reason or another. Myself included. 2 weeks ago tomorrow I had my gallbladder removed. At times it seems that we are being attacked from all sides, but I am reminded that we are never given more than we can handle. As scary as this may seem, it is the beginning of new relationships and friendships that we never would have had before.

This is only day 2...I know we will have our trials...I know my son will break down and cry when he can't have a cupcake at a birthday party, and I will cry too...But we will make it, one day at a time.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day One

Yesterday...March 5, 2010...the day that would forever change our lives. For weeks now my oldest son Adryn has been having severe stomach pains. We have had CT scans, blood tests and tons of other tests. Finally our good friend and family doctor ran a simple blood test and wouldn't you know it...gluten. I have been hearing people rave about "The Gluten Free Life", and even thought that maybe we should try it. Now we have no choice.

My husband called me at work yesterday to tell me that Marc (our doctor) had called and told him the results. I remembered that in my sons lunch box that day was, a sandwich on wheat bread, crackers and whole grain cereal. My son, had a lunch box full of poison! I, as a mother, was slowing killing my son. Not good words to think about. I picked him up and took him out to eat for lunch so that I could explain what the results were. He was okay until he couldn't order a burger. We took off work early and went grocery shopping, and in a small town it is hard to find a wide variety of gluten free items. I can tell this is going to be a challenge, but I know we can do this, we have to do this. No way around it, it has to be done. We will have his biopsy done in a few weeks.

This blog is to share our journey. So many are living with this problem and don't even know it. I need answers, and in writing I am hoping to find some and give some.

Today is day one. Our new life has begun.